Step into the enchanting world of our latest groundbreaking series, Futa World, a mesmerizing live action futanari fantasy adventure that promises to redefine the boundaries of adult entertainment. Immerse yourself in the debut episode “Futination,” now available for streaming exclusively on Adult Time.
Executive produced by the visionary Bree Mills and skillfully directed by Siousxie Q and Michael Vegas, Futa World introduces a diverse ensemble of characters including cis, trans, and futa characters (characters inspired by hentai culture with both penises and vaginas) portrayed by top-tier performers utilizing Hollywood-grade prosthetics and cutting-edge visual effects.
Adult Time’s Chief Creative Officer Bree Mills expressed her excitement about the project, stating “I have always dreamed of creating live-action/animation hybrid fantasy content, and in many ways, Futa World is a bold step in that direction. There has been a rise in popularity for futa content, with multiple mainstream companies experimenting with it. At Adult Time, we wanted to bring our own twist to the fantastical elements of the niche while also carving out a space for a variety of performers to participate and help us create a living comic book universe complete with different genitalia, alongside other creative enhancements. The result of the first few episodes is wild, to say the least!”
The upcoming release of the second episode of Futa World, titled “Dick’s Diner,” is scheduled for June 17th. Mark your calendars and prepare for an unforgettable adventure!